Flat No. & Street | Room 1 | Room 2 | Room 3 | Room 4 |
35/14 Viewcraig Gds | 224* | 209 | 209* | 189* |
35/16 Viewcraig Gds | 224 | 209 | 209 | 189 |
35/17 Viewcraig Gds | 224 | 209 | 209 | 189 |
27/17 Viewcraig Gds | 214 | 199 | 199 | 189 |
4/1 Dumbiedykes Road | 214* | 199 | 199* | 189* |
100/13 Holyrood Rd | 239 | 224 | 224 | 199 |
100/10 Holyrood Rd | 239 | 224 |
to calculate price per calendar month: (weeklyx52)/12=rentpcm
* (asterisk) Good view of Salisbury Crags
If you are arriving from abroad to study in Edinburgh you will find that our service of individual room letting, inclusive of household bills, is matched by few other private landlords in Edinburgh
Unite student accommodation is a better comparison for service, but we include free washing and drying facilities, one set of bedding, and a fully equipped kitchen.
Safeguarding you against price rises in gas and electricity
Time and frustration whilst you set up service accounts, and wait for the Internet
Time dividing bills up between tenants
Block 100 (100 Holyrood Road) has the most appealing location
Block 35 top floor is where we have 3 post-grad flats. The 4th flat is privately owned by a postgrad student.
Block 27 has fewer privately owned flats, so we have priced it lower
Block 4 (4 Dumbiedykes Road) flat is on a lower ground floor, further into the housing complex, so we have priced it lower. Some, however, prefer this property as you avoid several flights of stairs, it has an open aspect with immediate views of Salisbury Crags and it borders the Queens Park, possibly the finest city mountain park in the world
They are 2 or 3 minutes from each other with almost identical layout and close to identical decor, fittings and furnishing.
The 4 bed flats are on two floors. Room 1, kitchen & shower-room are downstairs, and Rooms 2, 3, 4 & bathroom above. The reverse is the case for 4/1
Click here to view the deposit and Lease Information